Legal Information

"The Right One" is a brand of the company: TALENTO EXECUTIVE S.r.l. Stradone Scipione Maffei 4, 37121 Verona (VR) Operational Representative Offices: Milan | Padua | Asolo | Civitanova Marche Verona Business Register: 04968240236 | R.E.A. VR – 459998 Share Capital: 40,000.00 Euros fully paid | Tax Code and VAT Number: 04968240236 Company registered in Section IV of the Computer Registry of Employment Agencies

Data Processing

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited. If the data processing controller for this website is located outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, the data processing for Google Analytics is carried out by Google LLC. Google LLC and Google Ireland Limited are collectively referred to as "Google" below. Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies," text files that are stored on the device used to enable an analysis of the user's website usage. The i Information collected through cookies about the use of this website is normally transferred to a Google server and stored there. Google Analytics is used on this website exclusively with the extension "_anonymizeIp()." This extension ensures that the IP address, processed in an abbreviated form, is anonymized, thus excluding any direct personal reference. Through the extension, the IP address is shortened in advance by Google within the member states of the European Union or other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The IP address transmitted by the browser as part of Google Analytics will not be associated with other Google data. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to analyze the use of the website, create reports on website activities, and provide the website operator with other services related to the use of the website and the internet (Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR). Google LLC. ensures an adequate level of data protection based on European standard contractual clauses. Data sent and linked to Google Analytics cookies, such as user ID or advertising ID, is automatically deleted after 50 months. The deletion of data with an expired storage period occurs automatically once a month. The user can prevent the collection of cookies by adjusting the corresponding settings in their browser. They can also prevent the collection and storage of IP address and data generated by cookies at any time, with future effect. The appropriate browser plugin can be downloaded and installed at the following link:

Privacy policy

For candidates

Data Controller, Co-Controllers, and Data Subjects of the Processing: "The Right One," as a brand of Talento Executive S.r.l., controlled by StartupGym Studio S.r.l., whose details are provided on the company websites accessible at the following URLs:,, ("Site/s"), in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR"), as well as the respective national regulations on personal data protection ("National Data Protection Laws"), is committed to protecting the personal data ("Data") provided by candidates ("Candidates") (i) through the dedicated registration form on the Sites and (ii) included in the CVs they upload and manage on the Sites to avail themselves of the personnel search and selection service with the collaborative recruiting system provided by the companies ("Service"). It is specified that a co-ownership relationship exists between the companies, by virtue of a specific agreement, also due to the processing of data carried out by the controlled company, through the IT infrastructure platform for the conduct of personnel search and selection activities made available by the controlling companies. Reference to contractual discipline: For the provision of the Service, the companies establish legal relationships of different nature with multiple subjects (Candidates, Clients, and Suppliers). Therefore, regarding the contractual aspects of the Service, reference is made to the respective contractual Terms and Conditions published on the Site. Authorized processors: Candidates' data is processed by authorized processors who are adequately instructed, including external professionals ("Scouts") who review and select CVs to support the company in providing the Service. External professionals are authorized and instructed to process the data. External processors / independent controllers and co-controllers – Recipients of the processing: Depending on the circumstances, the Data may (i) be shared between the companies, as co-controllers of the processing, with controlling companies, controlled/participated by the company, and part of the group, for internal administrative needs and/or optimization of the activity for the provision of the Service. This is done, in particular, considering the location where the work must be carried out, in the legitimate interest of the companies or the companies' clients; (ii) be communicated, on behalf of the companies (and with specific agreement), to consultants, organizations, companies, and entities providing services involving the processing of Candidates' Data. In particular, these include (a) software, application (also CRM), and hardware and related management, assistance/maintenance providers; (b) providers of connectivity services, email and related management, assistance/maintenance; (c) providers of external storage systems, also via the cloud; (d) legal, labor, accounting, and tax consultants. Depending on the circumstances and activities performed, some subjects may act as independent controllers or under a co-ownership relationship, if purposes and means of processing are determined jointly. The companies provide specific information about the recipients of the Data upon request from the data subject. Candidates' Data contained in CVs may also be disclosed to Scouts and clients of the company ("Clients") purchasing the Service, with the Candidates' consent. Personal data processed: Except for the data contained in CVs voluntarily uploaded/sent by Candidates, the companies collect only data strictly related to the professional skills of the Candidates and necessary for the evaluation and selection process. Additional data is requested only in accordance with applicable law. In general, Candidates' data consists of common data, which does not fall within the definition of sensitive and/or judicial data of the National Data Protection Laws and the notion of special categories of personal data or data relating to criminal convictions and offenses of the GDPR. This includes, for example, name, surname, date of birth, physical and telephone contact information (mobile), email, and, in general, the information contained in CVs regarding the professional skills necessary for the provision of the Service. Except for any special and voluntary inclusion of sensitive data in CVs by the Candidates themselves, the companies do not process sensitive data for the provision of the Service. In any case, Candidates are advised not to include sensitive data in CVs (except for specific reasons related to the sought position or other essential elements) and, in any case, to obscure sensitive data contained in payslips, if requested by the companies during the selection process. Purposes of processing and related legal basis for processing: The companies process data for the purposes and the related legal basis as follows: (a) the registration of Candidates on the Site, the processing is necessary for the performance of pre-contractual measures adopted by the companies at the request of the Candidates, through the uploading or sending of CVs, (b) the uploading, management, and deletion of the relevant CVs by Candidates, the processing is necessary for the provision of the Service, (c) the examination and selection, by authorized personnel of the companies, Scouts, and Clients (in limited cases and in an advanced stage of the selection), of CVs of interest, based on the job offer published on the Site, job opportunities, and/or specific selection requests (without any further processing of the Data contained in the CVs, the update of which is the sole responsibility of the Candidate). The processing is necessary for the provision of the Service, (d) the search (e.g., through social network channels) and analysis of potential Candidates' Data based on the positions required by Clients and potential Candidates themselves, in order to verify their skills and suitability and to contact them for the evaluation of the interest in starting or continuing the selection process. The processing is based on the legitimate interest pursued by the companies or third parties (Clients), for the provision of the Service. Data retention period: Candidates can independently modify their CVs at any time and request their deletion by sending a request to the companies via email: Consent to receive messages with notifications can be revoked at any time. Scouts process Candidates' Data for the time necessary for the provision of the Service, under the conditions and within the limits specified in the collaboration agreement. Therefore, once the personnel search and selection process is completed, Scouts are no longer authorized to process Candidates' Data and cannot access them. Transfer of data abroad: For administrative and/or optimization needs for the provision of the Service, the companies may transfer data to controlling companies and controlled/participated companies within the group, located in the European Union or the European Economic Area. In any case, the companies will ensure the use of providers that comply with the guarantees provided by Articles 44 and following of the GDPR regarding the transfer of data abroad. Rights: Candidates can contact the companies ( or external controllers to exercise the rights provided by the National Data Protection Laws applicable and the GDPR (Articles 15 and following), and, in particular, to access their personal data, request its correction and updating or deletion, limitations, as well as request portability, through the following methods: by sending a communication to the contact details of the companies indicated above. Right to object: Using the same methods mentioned above, Candidates can object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them, where the legal basis is the legitimate interest, in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR. Complaint: Any Candidate who believes that the processing of Data is in violation of the GDPR, in accordance with Article 77 of the GDPR, can file a complaint.

For clients and suppliers

Why this information? This information is required by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and the Italian privacy law (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and 101/2018). According to these rules, we must inform you about "how" and "why" we process your personal data as an employee/contact person of the clients for whom we carry out personnel search and selection activities as a group ("Group"). Who are "we"? "We" are a group of companies, consisting of the parent company, StartupGym Studio S.r.l., and the other controlled companies ("Controlled") established in other EU and non-EU countries. From a technical-legal perspective, using GDPR terminology, we are the "Data Controller" of the processing, meaning the entity that decides why and how to process your data. To delve deeper, StartupGym Studio S.r.l. and each Controlled are "Joint Data Controllers" for the processing of your data. This is because, although StartupGym Studio S.r.l. represents the "brains" of the Group and sets the general and specific directives and objectives, each Controlled contributes and supports the parent company in pursuing these common directives and objectives, except for legal and judicial aspects that each Controlled must necessarily manage according to its national laws. In this regard, there is a specific joint data processing agreement among the Group companies. How to contact us? Regardless of the Controlled you have direct relationships with, you can contact us using the addresses on the websites:,, According to the joint data processing agreement, you will be connected with the Joint Data Controller managing your data, who can provide the necessary responses based on your request. How, why, and for how long do we process your data...and what data? Processing methods - The Group does not use paper; therefore, to inquire about our services, you need to enter your personal data into the dedicated form on the website and send us your requests. Also, in the management of the contractual relationship that may be established with us, we will always use and ask you to use computer and telematic tools, some owned by us and others provided by our suppliers (digital service providers). Categories of data processed - For the purposes explained below, we need to – or will ask for your consent to – process some of your common personal data, including: name, surname, company name or business name, contact details (email, phone number, and registered office), job position, VAT number, images captured with audiovisual tools, social profile (e.g., LinkedIn®), navigation/statistical/analytical data and insights related to the use of our website and social media pages, data related to billing; Purposes and legal bases for processing - Your data is processed for: a. Purpose - respond to your pre-contractual requests (e.g., quotes); legal basis - performance of pre-contractual obligations; b. Purpose - create your registry (or that of the company you represent) in our systems and manage related contractual relationships (communications, interviews, candidate presentations, meetings, interviews, video calls, etc.); legal basis - performance of contractual obligations; in the case of recorded remote meetings and video calls, prior consent will be required; c. Purpose - present and provide you with information about candidates, in line with the services you have requested; legal basis - performance of contractual obligations; d. Purpose - send you commercial communications, surveys, and newsletters, also related to the services you have purchased and initiatives organized by the Group; legal basis – (i) legitimate interest (so-called soft-spam) if you are already our client, with the option to object to communications at any time (opt-out); (ii) consent if you are a potential client (i.e., if a contract has not yet been concluded with us); e. Purpose - manage legal accounting and billing obligations related to the contract and services you have purchased and their payments; legal basis - compliance with legal and contractual obligations. Data retention – subject to your ability to request at any time (except in cases where a law obliges us to keep them) (i) the deletion of your data stored in our systems connected to your registry, by sending us a specific request (with the subject: data erasure request) to the email account, and (ii) to stop the sending of commercial communications and newsletters by revoking your consent or objecting to the sending (exercising the aforementioned opt-out), your data will be used and stored for the duration of the contractual relationship with us. Every ten years, we clean up our systems and delete data and customer registries with which there are no longer relationships. To whom is your data communicated? Depending on the purchased service, customer data will be shared with candidates who possess the sought professional characteristics. Outside of these cases, except for specific legal obligations and/or requests from certain Authorities, data is not communicated to external subjects outside the Group, with the exception of limited situations and governed by specific agreements such as: a) the collection of questionnaires, surveys, or feedback on the Group's activities, carried out by specialized companies appointed by us to collect and analyze data to generate reports and statistics; b) use of IT services, such as those for video calls and remote interviews or for the management of our databases, provided by third-party providers and on which your data may transit or be stored. Where is your data transferred? Some of the aforementioned external entities may have their main headquarters in the United States. We are aware that, following the recent rulings of the European Court of Justice regarding data transfers to the United States (Case C-311/18, known as "Schrems II"), it is impossible for us to guarantee that such entities benefit from guarantees equivalent to those provided by the privacy legislation of the European Union. However, since the mentioned ruling, most providers based in the United States—many global players in the telecommunications and information technology sectors—have adopted even higher security measures to ensure, as much as possible, that data is protected from interference by public authorities. With this in mind, for transparency, we believe it is fair and correct for you to know that, from the moment you decide to use our services, the tools we use may also include U.S.-based providers. If this situation is not acceptable to you, unfortunately, we will not be able to proceed with your pre-contractual request to access the selection processes of the Group. Privacy rights and protection We inform you that you have the opportunity to exercise a series of rights over your data by sending a specific request to the email account These rights include: access, correction, deletion, limitation, interruption of processing, and portability of your data. If you feel that your rights are not satisfied or believe that the Group is violating data protection regulations, you can always contact us to try to resolve the issue amicably or submit a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority (

For external collaborators

Why This Information? This information is required by Regulation (EU) 679/2016 ("GDPR") and Italian privacy law (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and 101/2018). According to these regulations, we must inform you about "how" and "why" we process your personal data as an external collaborator ("Scout") providing support to the group ("Group") in the candidate selection process ("Candidates"). Who Are "We"? "We" are a group of companies, consisting of the parent company, StartupGym Studio S.r.l., and other controlled companies ("Controlled") established in other EU and non-EU countries. From a technical-legal standpoint, using GDPR terminology, we are the "Data Controller," meaning the entity that decides why and how to process your data. Going into more detail, StartupGym Studio S.r.l. and each Controlled are "Joint Data Controllers" of your data. This is because, although StartupGym Studio S.r.l. represents the "brain" of the Group and sets its general and specific directives and objectives, each Controlled contributes to and supports the parent company in pursuing these common directives and objectives, except for legal and juridical aspects that each Controlled must manage based on its national laws. In this regard, there is a specific joint data processing agreement among the Group companies. How to Contact Us? Regardless of the Controlled with which you have direct relations, you can contact us using the addresses on the website ("Site") or preferably the email account According to the joint data processing agreement, you will be connected with the Data Controller managing your data and who can provide the necessary answers based on your request. How, Why, and How Long We Process Your Data... and What Data? Processing Methods - The "Group" prefers not to use paper. Therefore, your personal data is processed almost exclusively through computer and digital tools (e.g., software for video calls and IT services for managing and archiving digital documents). Purpose and Legal Basis for Processing - The reason we process your data is straightforward: to evaluate your application as a potential external collaborator and, in the case of a positive selection outcome, to establish and execute the contractual relationship between you and the "Group." Your consent is not required for these processes, as they are necessary for pre-contractual purposes (Article 6.b. of the GDPR). Data Processed - To pursue the above purposes, we need your common data, such as your name and surname, contact details (mobile number and email), bank details (for remuneration), professional qualifications and past experiences, skills, and, in general, all data and information you include in your CV. If your CV contains data belonging to special categories (e.g., health data or political opinions), we will process them only during the selection and evaluation phase of your application, similar to all other information in the CV you provided. Data Retention - Your CV is important to us, and we retain it in our systems for 10 years from the date of your application to be able to contact you if your profile does not match the professional roles sought at that time. In case your CV is compatible with one of the open positions in the Group, in addition to storing the CV in our databases, we collect and store, in digital format (as notes), the data you provide during interviews for the duration of the selection. In the case of a negative selection outcome (non-hiring), your data is retained according to the aforementioned criterion. If the outcome is positive (hiring), we keep your data for the entire duration of your employment with us, in accordance with the information for employees provided during the hiring process. In any case, at any time, you can request us to delete your data from our database by sending a specific request (subject: data erasure request) to If the conditions are met, we proceed with deletion as soon as possible, providing you with feedback via email. To Whom Is Your Data Communicated? In general, we do not need to communicate your data to entities outside the Group, but in the following cases, some entities may have access to your data in limited and specifically regulated situations: a) use of IT services, such as those for video calls and remote interviews or for managing our databases and cloud services, provided by third-party providers, on which your data transit or are stored; b) our legal, accounting, and tax consultants; c) institutions we use to remunerate you; d) public authorities, in cases where they are authorized to receive data communication. Where Is Your Data Transferred? Some of the aforementioned external entities may have their main headquarters in the United States. We are aware that, following the recent rulings of the European Court of Justice regarding data transfers to the United States (Case C-311/18, known as "Schrems II"), it is impossible for us to guarantee that such entities benefit from guarantees equivalent to those provided by the privacy legislation of the European Union. However, since the mentioned ruling, most providers based in the United States—many global players in the telecommunications and information technology sectors—have adopted even higher security measures to ensure, as much as possible, that data is protected from interference by public authorities. With this in mind, for transparency, we believe it is fair and correct for you to know that the tools we use to process data may include services from U.S.-based providers. If this situation is not acceptable to you, unfortunately, we will not be able to proceed with our relationship. Privacy Rights and Protection We inform you that you have the opportunity to exercise a series of rights over your data by sending a specific request to, aiming to obtain: access, correction, deletion, limitation, interruption of processing, and portability of your data. If you feel that your rights are not satisfied or believe that the Group is violating data protection regulations, you can always contact us to try to resolve the issue amicably or submit a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority (

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@the right one - copyright 2023
“The Right One” is a brand of the company: Novaterra Holding SRL Via Paolo Sarpi 56, Milano - 20154 Operational Representative Offices: Milan | Verona Verona Business Register: 04831270238 | R.E.A. VR – 459998
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